patterns > Shawl Stories Volume One

S H A W L . S T O R I E S . V O L . O N E
Shawl Stories marks the beginning of a very long held dream of mine to publish a book! Join me on a journey over the next year as I create 8 shawls reflective of the seasons of the year.
W H A T . D O . Y O U . G E T
When you purchase the ebook you will receive 8 shawl patterns delivered over the next year. The timelines for the shawls are below:
Shawl 1 Winter Solstice - 21/22 December
Shawl 2 Imbolc - 02 February
Shawl 3 Spring Equinox - 21 March
Shawl 4 Beltane - 30 April
Shawl 5 Summer Solstice - 21 June
Shawl 6 Lughnasadh - 01 August
Shawl 7 Autumn Equinox - 21 September
Shawl 8 Samhain - 31 October
When you purchase you will also have access to a FREE facebook group (links in pattern pages) which will be a place to chat and share your shawl stories as the patterns are published. In addition you will also have the opportunity to help me mould the final look of the book!
At the end of the year you will receive the completed ebook with all the patterns PLUS additional essays, journal pages and more!