Haapsalu pitside kudumise ajalugu ulatub paari sajandi tagusesse aega. See raamat toob teieni Haapsalu sallimeistri ja koolitaja Siiri Reimanni loodud uued kolmnurksed rätid. Raamatus on põhjalik õpetus, kuidas kududa kolmnurkseid Haapsalu rätte nii, et kudumist alustatakse räti tipust. Seda tüüpi rätimustrite eeliseks on see, et iga kuduja saab ise otsustada, kui suure või väikese räti ta koob.
Raamatus on 20 uut imekaunist kolmnurkse räti mustrit, lisaks rätimustrile on eraldi toodud ka põhimustrite skeemid, mille järgi võib kududa nii Haapsalu salle kui ka muid esemeid. Siiri loodud rätid on selles raamatus pildistatud koos lilledega. Seekord värviline pitsiraamat on ilus kingitus.
Haapsalu pitsi kudumine on üks maailma toredamaid hobisid!
Delicate lacey shawls have been knitted in the small town of Haapsalu for more than two hundred years, yet they have not lost their attraction and mysterious charm in these modern times. This book brings you new triangular shawls created by Haapsalu lace master and teacher Siiri Reimann.
The book contains a thorough tutorial on how to knit triangular Haapsalu shawls so that knitting starts from the top of the shawl. The advantage of this type of shawl pattern is that each knitter can decide for themself how big or small the shawl should be.
The book contains 20 new beautiful triangular shawl patterns. In addition to the shawl pattern, there are also separate schemes of the basic patterns, according to which you can knit square Haapsalu shawls and other objects. The shawls created by Siiri are photographed with flowers in this book. This colorful lace book is a beautiful gift.
Haapsalu lace knitting is one of the most fun hobbies in the world!