Learn about schools that teach spinning with a colonial twist. Discover the Watkins Woolen Mill with Beth Morimoto. Judith MacKenzie teaches you how to choose a fleece. There’s a special Handspun Gallery of Precious Things, plus you’ll see Clairelis Baxter’s yarn to remember. Then you’ll hook a flock of sheep.
Handspin and knit orange caps. Make little hayseed sweaters. Spin and knit the flower power socks from the cover. Make the gorgeous sunrise moonset vest. There’s also a lovely misty mountains shawl to make with your handspun. Spin and knit a fun bobble bag.
Learn how to paint with dyes on knitted fabrics and woven fabrics from Sara Lamb. Discover over 300 rare wool skeins. Learn how to crochet with singles.
In every issue, you will be amazed at the amount of information packed into these pages:
- Be inspired by spinners from all over the world. In each issue, you’ll meet spinners with unique stories to tell.
- Explore a variety of spinning techniques. Get an up-close look at piles of gorgeous handspun yarns and learn how to make them for yourself.
- Test your spinning skills with projects that use your handspun yarns.
And so much more!
Magazine published in August 2003 by Long Thread Media LLC