This issue of Spin-Off celebrates all tools, from lofty to humble. Discover how you can get more from your spindles, wheels, and blending boards, as well as learn valuable tips for buying an antique or secondhand wheel.
Table of Contents:
Behind the scenes: The Woolery
History and Innovation: A Profile of Alvin Ramer by Leslie Ordal
Spindle Hook Alignment by Tom Golding
Spindle Survival Kit by Jeannine Glaves
The Weighty Matter of Spindles by Constance Hall
Winding Well by Andrea Mielke Schroer
The Butterfly Effect by Judith MacKenzie
Explore the Blending Board by Constance Hall
Quick on the Uptake by Amy Tyler
Tips for buying an Antique or Secondhand Wheel by Linda Martin
Finding Balance by Leslie Hauck
The Yarn Project by Kathy Sletto
Starry Night Jacket by Betty Paepke
Low Tech Equipment by Dale Jackson
Country Summer Shawl by Sara Greer
Spring Hope Shawl by Kris Jaeger
Autumn Leaves Scarf and Shawl by Bobbie Irwin
Magazine published in August 2014 by Long Thread Media LLC