In this issue, Kate Larson explores color blending by flick carding locks and with this process she created the lovely colorwork knitting on the cover. We have included two articles about recycling yarn from garments; imagine the treasure trove of awkward luxury fibers at local thrift stores begging to be reborn into something you’d actually wear. We also have a number of fascinating articles--including one by Jacey Boggs about the mechanics of spinning on a wheel and how exactly twist is inserted into fiber and another by Peter Teal in defense of using wraps per inch to measure your yarn. The fiber basic focus this issue is on Lincoln Longwool and the issue includes two projects that take advantage of the wool’s unique characteristics (a dog leash and market bag). The issue also explores Bedouin spinning in Qatar, creating a fiber map of your area, and much more.
Magazine published in March 2012 by Long Thread Media LLC