Do handspinners make art or practice a craft?
When we hear the term “Arts & Crafts,” our minds go to one of two places: William Morris’s luxurious textiles and designs, or a little child in grade school making a macaroni picture frame. It isn’t the words themselves, but rather our interpretations of them, that lead us to our own opinions on “Arts & Crafts.” Some spinners aren’t fans of art yarns, and others believe that wherever you find crafts practiced with intention, you find art. Regardless of your thought on the matter, we can agree that spinning yarn for textured embroidery or carding your own punis brings out the love and passion for spinning in us all. Throughout the pages of Spin-Off, Spring 2016 you’ll find projects and articles that will introduce a little arts and crafts into your spinning life. Enjoy a breath of springtime fresh air while practicing fine embroidery or honing your blending craftsmanship.
Magazine published in February 2016 by Long Thread Media LLC