Begin with a profile of spinner and knitter Kathleen Bowen and admire her unique creations. Discover natural dyes for your skeins. See Gayle Vallance’s autumnal Cotswold rug.
Robin Russo gives you the basics of mohair, including washing, dyeing, combing, and spinning it. Then she shows you a marvelous mohair hat to knit and full. Learn about pygora. Check out collars and cuffs made from rare fleeces.
Jeannine Bakriges and Deborah Newton team up to create Scandinavian-inspired mittens and a hat. Judy Preckshot, JoAnne Cook, and Nancy Preckshot explore the possibilities of using your stash in a scarf and two vests. Discover shifu, the ancient Japanese art of making garments out of paper, and make a vest using that technique. Read the spinning story of former cop Karen Wintermyer McNally. Enjoy our Handspun Gallery of Small Things, including hats, socks, and bags.
Magazine published in May 2002 by Long Thread Media LLC