The Forgotten Dream Collection is a series of shawls by Spirit Bridger. The price of the ebook will go up as each shawl is released so now is your chance to get in early! The collection will contain at least five shawls when complete.
Currently includes Incantation and Skylord.
Dreaming You roll over slowly. Visions still fluttering in your mind. Adventures in deep dark forests filled with glimmering lights. Strolling down a mountain path past icy lakes with floating red-gold leaves of impossible beauty. The amazement of true magic. Holding your arms out and soaring past mountains, the hills a velvet carpet beneath you dotted with a scattering of sheep. Your hoard of yarn is a national treasure and people come from far and wide to admire it and make donations of the most exquisite skeins. The pillow brushes against your cheek. It’s still dark. You nuzzle back into your warm pillow, snuggle a little deeper under the covers, and dive back into the world of dreams.