patterns > The Memory Tree Collection

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Memory Tree Collection is a collection of four patterns, three individual and an exclusive pattern - not available to purchase alone.
The power of music is amazingly strong. It has the ability to transport us to a different time and place and lets us recollect moments and people might have not thought about for huge amounts of time.
Our family has a name for where those special moments are kept – they hang on a ‘Memory Tree’ – a special place in our minds and hearts that can be revisited when needed or are triggered by a feeling, a smell and very often by music.
This is a collection that is inspired by some of the music that hangs on my Memory Tree. Everyone should have a Memory Tree – find something special now and start your own. I hope you enjoy the patterns and memories as much as I have!
The patterns for this eBook will be delivered to subscribers when released though there is no specific delivery time for each pattern.
Buying the collection offers a significant saving on buying the patterns individually. Sincere apologies but I cannot offer any refunds or discounts on the purchase price of the e-book if individual patterns were previously purchased.
Patterns already set up by KnitCompanion can be purchased, in the KnitCompanion Store, for knitters who like to use KnitCompanion, but prefer to have their charts already set up.
eBook published in November 2015