If you have purchased individual patterns and then later decide to buy the full set, your earlier purchases can be deducted from the collection price. This link should take you to an automatically adjusted shopping cart: http://www.ravelry.com/redeem/katinka-designs?sale=46169
The idea for The Virescent Collection originated with the dramatic central cable motif. Its plush, organic look reminded me of huge leaves in far-off rainforests, or even of hostas in my much-less-exotic state. I wanted to explore how that cable could look in a variety of pieces and different yarn weights. And of course, that leafy imagery inevitably led me to the color GREEN.
vir-es-cent adj. 1. Becoming green 2. Somewhat green; greenish
All patterns are also available individually. They also coordinate, should you wish to create an accessories set – it’s left up to you to choose among your favorite dyer’s colorways and bases! Feel free to branch out from green. ;)