patterns > Toastie Pie

This first issue was inspired by images of children in 1940s England, the theme is “Little Land Girls”.
You are no doubt wondering what on earth a Toastie Pie is!
In the USA and some other countries you may call it a toasted sandwich or a jaffle, here in NZ we call it a Toastie or Toastie Pie and it is a favourite, quick snack, especially useful for feeding small children in a reasonably healthy manner (although not when your favourite fillings are banana and a Freddo frog chocolate bar like my youngest daughter!).
Toastie pies are all about home and warmth and fun, and I wanted to share a bit of that with you.
You all know how much I love designing knitwear for small people, but I keep feeling the need to let you know about other things I like to do, so I’m going to share some of them here, turning this pattern booklet into a bit of a recipe book, a bit of a craft book (but really, it is mostly about the knitting!).
Periodical from Just Jussi
These patterns have been professionally tech edited.
There are two files available for download, one high resolution and one low resolution. The e-books are 13 pages, please check your printer settings in order to only print the pages you require.
eBook published in February 2015