patterns > Variations on a Theme

The idea for “Variations on a Theme” e-book was born while I was working on another design. I was inspired by the slipped stitch pattern I was using and wondered how will it look in a shawl. However, I was not done exploring the pattern. I designed another shawl with a different construction that uses the same slipped stitch pattern and latter I added two more designs to the collection, two cowls.
This e-book includes 3 patterns:
1. “Caprice No. 24” shawl is seamless and knitted bottom-up.
Caprice No. 24 in A minor is the final caprice of Niccolò Paganini’s 24 Caprices, and a famous work for solo violin.
The caprice has provided a rich seam of material for works by many composers. One of them is “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” by Sergei Rachmaninoff and it gave a name to the next pattern in the collection.
2.“Rapsodiya” (which means Rhapsody in Russian) shawl is seamless and knitted sideways.
Franz Liszt composed his The Grandes études de Paganini based on the compositions of Niccolò Paganini for violin. His composition gave a name to the next pattern.
3. “Grandes études” pattern is a set of two cowls knitted in a simple slipped stitch pattern. The slight tweak to the pattern gives an option of knitting two cowls that look completely different while using same slipped stitch technique.
Note that purchasing the e-Book gives you a discount over purchasing each pattern separately. No refunds can be given for buying the patterns separately and then, at a later date, purchasing the complete eBook.
eBook published in April 2013