Two-Colour Judy’s Magic CO
When making increases lift the same color you’re making the stitch from the two strands.
Knitted the opening for foot on waste yarn: knit first stitch from chart B, then knit the following 29 sts on waste yarn.
Heel: One pattern repeat more (25 rows instead of 19)
6 pattern repetitions before toe decreases
1 additional toe decrease (row 13) so that 18 sts remain on each needle before grafting
The two-colour grafting following this video (the video is a little bit blurry)
The 2 videos for i-cord bind off in the round:
Written instructions w chart for I-cord BindOff
I made this slipper three times . Here’s another project page with photos and links to help with the various techniques.
Shoe size: Eur 41 and US Women’s 10.5 /
Actual foot circumference 9.24” and length 10.5”
Weight of skeins before casting on:
White (MC): 84g
Navy (CC): 80 g
Weight of skeins after competition of slippers:
White (MC): 38 g
Navy (CC): 41 g
Heel: 19 rounds
Foot: 36 rounds
Toe: 12 rounds
CastOn 34 sts w JBMC
Yarn tail over index. New color brought through legs of previous color.
The CO row counts as Row 1 in Chart A.
Heel: Follow Chart A for 19 rows increasing to 60 sts.
Foot Opening:Chart B: K1, I then knit 29 sts with orange scrap yarn, slipped those orange sts back to left needle and resumed with working yarn (instead of placing the next 29 sts on holder and casting on 29 sts.) 60 sts.
Foot: Continue working Chart B until 1.75” shorter than foot length (36 rounds. Completion of 6th checkered “X” of motif)
Toe Decreases:(12rounds)
Best results by starting decreases on Rnd1 of Chart B. Rnd 1 forms the apex at the bottom of a CC ring and 14th rnd is the top apex of the second CC ring.
All decreases worked in MC, and the decrease stitches form the MC columns of the edge MC, CC, MC.
Decrease Rnd 1: K1, ssk, work in pat to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Decrease Rnd 2: Work even in pattern.
Rep Rnds 1&2 three more times (44sts)
Then rep Rnd 1 four times. (28 sts)
Grafting Rounded Toe
Place 2 sts from before BOR marker (sole sts or front needle in the Magic Loop Setup) and 3 sts from after BOR marker (instep sts or back needle in the Magic Loop Setup) on a DPN.
^K2tog (MC), k1 (CC), SSK (MC), slip next sts from sole and instep so you have 5 sts again on the dpn;
rep from^ until 6 sts rem.
Slip rem 3 sts from circular needle to a second DPN then KitchenGraft the 3 pairs of sts using MC yarn w the MC sts and CC yarn w the CC sts. Whenever you are working your MC stitches, use the MC yarn and bring your MC yarn BEHIND the CC stitch when you are going to start working the third set of MC stitches.
First Grafted Toe Experiment:
moved the 3 side stitches to a smaller needle (2.75mm) and did the following:
sl 1, k, ssk
s2, p2tog
repeat until 3 sts left, then graft the main colour stitches, then graft the remaining contrasting stitch.
(I found that using a smaller needle and slipping 2 stitches on the purl round instead of slipping just 1 stitch gave a much neater finish for CC.
I-cord Cuff
I-cord edge tends to be tight so go up 1 size to work the I-cord.
Pick up held sts before removing scrap yarn.
Using MC, k1 round adding sts in the gaps at each side. Pm for BOR.
CO 4 sts and transfer them to LN.
Work I-cord BO:
^K3, k2tog tbl, return 4 sts from RN to LN; rep from^ until BOR. Graft rem 4 sts with the CO edge.
I used a Knitting-On to CastOn 4 sts to begin the I-Cord and form sts w twist at base (tips point same direction), slip sts back to L ndl, k3, then use a K2tog TBL for the decrease with the 4th cast on stitch and one original stitch around opening. Don’t need a DPN for I-cord Bindoff (like you do for the standard, unattached I-cord) until grafting in the round at the end and can transfer the 4 stitches to be grafted on an extra needle tip with the tip pointing to the right.
At end, graft last 4 sts to the first 4 sts: “purl-on”1st on needle, pass through behind both legs at the base of first V of I-cord CastOn, then “knit-off” 1st on needle and purl on next sts to repeat.
The background stories about the nostepinnes and the best videos on how to use them
Sock Mathematician:
Suzanne Bryan:
JBMC Using Two Colors
I-Cord Grafting Chart:
Mods to make Men’s Eur size 43
-CO 6sts more on each needle, 12sts altogether
-One additional pattern repeat on the heel
-One additional MC increase (2sts per needle, 4 altogether) on second last row of (additional) repeat (chart row 18)
-5 pattern reps before toe decreases
News at The Merry Duck:
First Flight High School Swim team went to State; Jack swam 200, 400, and 500 relay.
A friend gave Jack a ride home from church in his Corvette.
Scot made his college crew team and sketched the homemade Valentine cards.
Dan played his great grandfather’s violin at winter concert. He says the older wood makes his violin the loudest.
I was interviewed by Master Knitter Suzanne Bryan
I used a photo from a recent brunch with my husband for the headshot to announce the interview.
Tennis Sock:
I found the instructions for the toe to be an absolute nightmare! To me they make no sense. I found this project page super helpful and their explanation made it click for me.
Used heyKerrianne’s information on the toe closure again as still find the pattern instructions impossible to understand.
Dec 2020
Note: for final toe decrease, put 5 stitches on cable needle (the two last work stitches of last round before BOR marker + 3 unworked stitches after BOR marker) and do the decrease sequence k2tog MC, k CC, ssk MC on these. Transfer back these 3 worked stitches plus slip next 1 unworked st AFTER BOR marker + next last unworked stitch before BOR marker. This way, the CC color is always sandwiched by two MC stitches at either side before doing the 2st-decrease sequence. ALWAYS work decreases off of 5 stitches on cable needle, working decreases across the round of toes from one side to the other (think pinky side to big toe side). Tip from someone’s project is cable needle w/5 stitches is perpendicular to the rest of the unworked stitches.
Aug 2020
My very first knitting project ever! My Aunt Kerrie taught me the basics and sat with me while I got very frustrated trying to cast on the beginning! But all in all it turned out great and I learned a ton.
Mar 2020
The key here is to rotate your project 90 degrees and change the direction of your knitting (which was not very clear at all in the pattern description imo). In order to close the slipper, you knit from the right edge towards the left edge.