Uses simple stitches to create a complex project.
3/29/2024 - Using my Boye Made in USA Steel #7 hook.
3/31/2024 - undid the three completed rounds because the CSDC just wasn’t working for me. Too fat.
- Persevere through Round 4 - it gets easier after that.
- After completing four rounds, it seems a bit jammed up. Wondering if I need to go up to a 2.00mm hook.
4/4/2024 - Starting over with the different color and the Boye Made in USA Steel #4 (2.00mm) hook. Tried using the 2.00mm Etimo hook and the thread kept falling off the hook.
4/12/2024 - at end of Round 10, piece weighs 10g (w/stitch markers) and measures 4” across (unstretched)
4/14/2024 - quite unsure about Round 14. Hope it works out like it is supposed to.
6/8/2024 - At the end of Round 20, piece measures 6 3/4” diameter.
9/8/2024 - At the end of Round 26, piece measures nearly 10”. If there is 10% stretch when blocked, that means an 11” ring (which doesn’t exist). Just measured the “12 inch” ring and it is actually 11 3/4” because it’s really 30 cm. It may work.
9/30/2024 - Using Boye #3 Steel hook to attach to the ring. Use 23 stitches per section - 11 before, 1 to attach, and 11 after.
10/2/2024 - Finished attaching doily to ring. The doily stretched out to the ring just fine. Now tacking up the ch3 space from Round 20 with a needle and some of the Miss Batik.
Pattern Notes
- Round 8: Put a stitch marker in the first DC of each 7 DC set to make it easier to find in Round 9.
- Round 18: make sure you are working in the HDC and not the chain spaces of Round 14 (4/22/2024)
- Round 17: Put a stitch marker in the FPTR to make it easier to find in Round 20. Then use this stitch marker to mark the Chain 3 space in Round 19.
- Round 19: The stitch marker in the chain space was absolutely necessary for working Round 23.
- Round 22: I only marked the space between the two sets of 4TR because I did not have enough stitch markers. I was able to find the 3rd and 6th TR for Round 24 without difficulty. (6/24/2024) Turns out this was a good idea because you are supposed to work into this space in Round 25!
- Round 22: Also mark the chain space a couple times to make it easier to identify for Round 26.
- Round 24: Missing “Join” instruction.
- Round 24: Mark a few of the Ch 3 spaces to help when you get to Round 27.
- Round 27: Did the first SC in the DC2tog since there isn’t a DC3tog to use.
- Round 27: Replaced the SC in the space with a Slip Stitch through the Round 25 picot.
Calculation for number of ring stitches.
30cm/2.54 = 11.81 inches
Diameter =11.81 * 3.14 = 37.08 inches
Inches per section = 37.08/32 = 1.16 =~ 1 3/16”