Catnip mice
October 2010
December 2010

Catnip mice

Project info
Felted Catnip Mice by Donna Druchunas
Agate, Christopher & Chris's kitties, Becky's kitties, Lorraine's kitties
Needles & yarn

This is a great way to use up odd bits of wool yarn and please the kitties and their people in the process! I did use some double strands of mohair to make some of the mice, and felting created a nice thick fabric that is also very furry - just a note of caution if your cat thinks fur is one of the major feline food groups. Can initiate a little cat gagging …

The mice are in a felted moebius basket (Cat Bordhi.)

viewed 36 times
October 2010
December 2010
About this pattern
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  • Project created: January 3, 2011
  • Updated: January 3, 2011