Adriana "kaaktus"

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Headband
Ever wondered what to do with that small amount of special yarn left over from a shawl or sock project? This is a ridiculously quick little project that makes that wee bit of yarn go a long way. It’s especially effective for showcasing variegated or hand dyed yarns.
Knitting: Doll
Every Waldorf doll needs her own dolly!
Knitting: Cowl
This quick and simple design is a nod to the original “Bamboozled” (a favourite multi-purposed accessory of mine).
Knitting: Dress
One week out from the big day, I thought “BLEEP!!!, time to cast on!”. Needed something simple, fast but with a bit of “WOW” factor (and not too much puff or ruffle) … No time to hunt for a pattern so made it up as I went along …