Anna Bodisch

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cowl
Declivity is knit using a variation of mosaic style knitting. Mosaic knitting is worked using slipped stitches and only one color of yarn per round. The resulting fabric is sturdy and warm with a pattern that is graphic and full of geometric shapes and lines. The technique is easy to master making Declivity a simple, fast and fun knit.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Bounds is knit using a variation of mosaic style knitting. Mosaic knitting is knit using slipped stitches and only one color yarn per round. This gives you the look of Intarsia, or more traditional color work, but leaves the inside of the work looking almost as perfect as the outside. It also creates a fabric that is sturdy and warm. After a fe...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Flank is knit using a variation of mosaic style knitting. Mosaic knitting is knit using slipped stitches and only one color yarn per round. This gives you the look of Intarsia, or more traditional color work, but leaves the inside of the work looking almost as perfect as the outside. It also creates a fabric that is sturdy and warm. After a few...
Knitting: Cowl
!nverted is knit using a variation of mosaic style knitting. Mosaic knitting is knit using slipped stitches and only one color yarn per round. The resulting pattern is graphic and full of geometric goodness. The technique is easy to master making !nverted a simple, fast and fun knit.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Apices is knit using a variation of mosaic style knitting. Mosaic knitting is knit using slipped stitches and only one color yarn per round. This gives you the look of Intarsia, or more traditional color work, but leaves the inside of the work looking almost as perfect as the outside. It also creates a fabric that is sturdy and warm. After a fe...
Knitting: Mittens
Sodalite is knit using a variation of mosaic style knitting. Mosaic knitting is knit using slipped stitches and only one color yarn per round. This gives you the look of Intarsia, or more traditional color work, but leaves the inside of the work looking almost as perfect as the outside. It also creates a fabric that is sturdy and warm. After a ...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Unorthodox is knit in mosaic style knitting but with a slight variation. Mosaic knitting gives the look of Intarsia, or more traditional color work, but is worked using only one color per round leaving the inside almost as perfect as the outside and the fabric is sturdy and warm. After a few rounds you will have mastered the technique and you w...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Vire is a one size fits most hat that is worked in the round. The stitch pattern, with crisp details and rich texture, incorporates many different elements. Vire is a relatively quick knit and is easily worked by anyone with intermediate knitting skills. Pattern includes both written instructions and chart.