Crochet Past Bedtime

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Baby Blanket
This pattern was designed to embrace the color changes in ombré or variegated yarns, without overshadowing what the yarn has to offer. It is worked from the centre, outwards and offers just enough texture to make the blanket unique, but not so much texture that it takes away from the ‘personality’ yarn itself. Enjoy!
Crochet: Cardigan
This adorable baby cardigan is a lot easier to make than it looks! Resembling a classic “old man” cardigan, the lucky baby who becomes the recipient will turn heads. Any worsted/medium/4 weight yarn will work as long as it’s not too rough for baby’s sensitive skin. You can have a lot of fun with this project by customizing it to suit your desir...
Crochet: Containers
This is a versatile pattern where you can change the size of your basket by changing your hook and/or adding rounds to the base or rows to the sides of the basket. Photos are included in the pattern as well as links to youtube tutorials on the crocodile stitch and starching.
Crochet: Feet / Legs - Other
This pattern is easily adjustable to fit any size. Included with this pattern is how to crochet the sandal, the flower, and how to add grip to the bottom of the sandals for toddlers that are on the move!
Crochet: Clutch
This pattern goes through how to crochet a gorgeous crocodile stitch clutch as well as how to line it, add a zipper, and add some rigidity (optional)