Guðlaug Svala Kristjánsdóttir, gkdottir
eBooks available as Ravelry Downloads

eBook :
5 patterns
The Butterfly Effect eBook by gkdottirknits contains all my sweater designs inspired by butterfly-wing markings.

eBook :
4 patterns
“Húsin í bænum” er vettlingagjörningur sem hófst á jólatónleikum í Fríkirkjunni í Hafnarfirði. Innviðirnir þar beinlínis báðu um að láta prjóna sig. Úr varð heilög þrenning, þrjú tilbrigði á vettlingaformi.
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cowl
This cowl is a sort of notebook, or practise piece, containing patterns and methods found in various of my other published patterns (such as Ígulker, Brum, Dagný, Gló, Míþríl, Madame butterfly, Moth, Hafið eða fjöllin, Dynjandi, Dögg húfa etc).

Knitting: Pullover
Alva is knit from the top down with the „contiguous sleeve method“, a sort of adapted raglan yoke. At first increases are made only on front and back, then only on sleeves and finally on both at the same time. The result looks like set-in sleeves and in this case also creates a pretty play of colors.

Knitting: Pullover
Inspired by a mountain range in a Önundarfjörður, one of the Westfjords in Iceland. Knit from the top down and separated into body and sleeves after the yoke. The mountain pattern is made with Estonian Vikkel stitch, two-stitch cables. Colour variations are made by using different shades of the thread held with the main color, here done with 3 ...

Knitting: Pullover
Inspired by a mountain range in a Önundarfjörður, one of the Westfjords in Iceland. Knit from the top down and separated into body and sleeves after the yoke. The mountain pattern is made with Estonian Vikkel stitch, two-stitch cables. Colour variations are made by using different shades of the thread held with the main color, here done with 3 ...

Knitting: Mittens
Þessir vettlingar eru hannaðir í tilefni af átakinu Gulur september sem er ætlað að vekja meðvitund um mikilvægi sjálfsvígsforvarna og geðræktar. Einkunnarorð átaksins eru kærleikur, aðgát og umhyggja.

Knitting: Pullover
This sweater is inspired by a macro photograph of a butterfly wing, portraying the many tiny and colourful flakes behind the bigger picture.

Knitting: Tee
A summer tee worked from the top down. The yoke pattern contains visible increases created by elongated sts over several rows followed by new sts.

Knitting: Pullover
This sweater, inspired by the Lymantriine moth, is knited from the top down and divided into body and sleeves after the yoke. The pattern section in the yoke contains integrated stitch increases. The body is knit straight but decreases are made on the underside of the sleeves. The neck lining is knitted at the end, to give you a chance to adjus...

Knitting: Pullover
This sweater is inspired by the murmuration flight and also the plumage of the often underrated Starling. The yoke reflects the mesmerizing murmuration where large flocks of these commonplace birds come together in the twilight and move as one in wavelike patterns. The body, sleeve and ribbings mimic the different plumage patterns.

Knitting: Beret, Tam
This beret is a close relative to the Ígulker sweater, inspired by the sea urchin shell.

Knitting: Cardigan
This cardigan is a feast of different details and techniques and calls for some knitting experience. Provisional cast-on, short rows, stranded knitting with twisted stitches, lace pattern, decorative dipped stitches of 2 kinds made with contrasting colour - or in other words, a highly entertaining knitting experience and really not as complicat...

Knitting: Shrug / Bolero
Not many knitters love Sleeve island, but Island sleeve is a whole other story…

Crochet: Throw
Þetta teppi er hluti af seríu sem nefnist Söguþráður og samanstendur af hekluðum værðarvoðum af ýmsu tagi. Þau eiga það öll sameiginlegt að vera innblásin af kvenlegum arfi og hekluð úr íslenskri ull.

Knitting: Pullover
My inspiration for this pattern came from the lines in the sand on a peaceful beach. This pattern, a close relative of the Fractal vest, is designed in cooperation with Icewear Garn.

Knitting: Pullover
This sweater is inspired by a poem often sung by Icelandic choirs, about two scarlet fish in iceblue water.

Knitting: Convertible Gloves
Capped mittens that echo the exterior of the oldest house in Hafnarfjordur, Iceland (House of Sivertsen).

Knitting: Mittens
These mittens echo the patterns and character of two houses in the center of Hafnarfjordur, the old Post office (Póstur) and Savings bank (Sparisjóður).

Knitting: Mittens
Mittens that imitate a typical old house in the street of Austurgata in Hafnarfjordur, Iceland. Two sizes available, adult and child.

Knitting: Mittens
Three versions of a mitten pattern with motifs from a church (Fríkirkjan) in Hafnarfjordur, Iceland.

Knitting: Cardigan
A butterfly inspired cardigan knitted from the top down with a steek in front. Lots of details to indulge in, such as corrugated ribbing, I-cord bind-offs and stranded knitting.

Knitting: Vest
Light and roomy patterned vest knit from Plötulopi. Top-down seamless design with I-cord edgings. Choose needle size according to gauge.

Knitting: Pullover
This colourful sweater is based on the wing patterns from the Swallowtail butterfly. I used a novel dot-pattern at the top of the yoke to knit the front/back and sleeves in different main colours, while working in the round.

Knitting: Pullover
This quick and easy, yet elegant, sweater out of lambswool (or other fingering weight yarn) is named after the Calla lily. Knit from the top down with well visible and decorative increases on the yoke. The sweater was specifically designed for the sleeves. I just had to try making these frills, and kept the rest of the garment simple and plain ...

Knitting: Pullover
This sweater is inspired by the Monarch butterfly, with its orange wings and white speckled black stripes.

Knitting: Pullover
Fíngerð og sparileg mohair-peysa sem ég kaus að kalla Míþríl, eftir hringabrynjunni í Hringadróttinssögu sem gerð var úr samnefndu töfraefni (mithril) sem ku hafa verið fíngert eins og silfur, kalt eins og ís og lipurt sem lín en þó sterkara en stál og að auki alsett hvítum gimsteinum.