Ina Rendboe

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cowl
Christmas is all around me
Knitting: Scarf
Pist væk is Danish for “then it’s suddenly gone” or “completely disappeared” and the term is impossible to translate directly. Just as the concept of “hygge” cannot either. The letter æ is not known outside Denmark. Therefore I spell it with ae instead
Knitting: Scarf
A wonderful medium-sized scarf, where something new is always happening. The pattern changes on every other row and creates the slanted lines. An icord in the center points out the spine of the scarf
Knitting: Scarf
Linje scarf is a narrow scarf with plenty of width to tie it with.
Knitting: Scarf
The scarf has an understated triangular shape created by short rows.
Knitting: Scarf
A very easily and quickly made scarf. For the beginner and for the experienced knitter, who would like something interesting to happen in their knitting.
Knitting: Scarf
Ina’s sommerfugle - Ina’s summerbirds
Knitting: Scarf
My little scarf was developed when I wanted to make a scarf with out using purlsts as I do in Inasklud (a free pattern I have here on Ravelry)
Knitting: Scarf
I am very pleased to share with you my design of this little triangular cloth. The idea arose out of necessity. I didn’t have a whole skein of a nice yarn and wanted one of the small scarves that are seen a lot in Denmark these days.
Knitting: Potholder
Very fast and easy -
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
En chunky hue, som er begyndervenlig. Kun de mest kendte og simple teknikker anvendes og der strikkes kun med én farve af gangen. “Fartvenlig”. Store pinde. Ressourcevenlig. Brug f.eks. dine rester til at lave svellerne.