Jennifer M Edwards

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Scarf, Shawl / Wrap
In Arizona, when a season of rain hits, locals tend to call it a “monsoon season” (accurate or not). Just as that rain clears out, all the weeds…I mean FLOWERS arrive. Truly, hidden amongst all the weeds fighting for dominance over our rocked front yards are some actual flowers that are intended to be there, and even some that are not. This asy...
Knitting: Scarf, Shawl / Wrap
This sport weight, rectangle wrap, features an eye-catching chevron through the middle for draping over the shoulders or forming around the neckline, which is framed by textured contrasting bands. Uplift any outfit with this striking piece.
Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This drapey, worsted weight, rectangle wrap, worked in a multi-row repeat, is ideal for any slow color-changing yarn. A wrap that is just perfect for the adventurous advanced beginner or the seasoned crocheter who would like a TV or poolside project.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This drapey, worsted-weight, rectangular wrap is worked in a multi-row repeat and is ideal for a slow color-changing yarn. A wrap is perfect for the beginner ready to learn the next stitches beyond the knit and purl or the seasoned knitter who is after some TV, pool, or fireside knitting.