Karolin Theres
eBooks available as Ravelry Downloads

eBook :
4 patterns
In this E-Book you can find the whole Four Seasons of the Hope Blanket combined.
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This wonderful shawl is available in 2 versions - either with or without circles. These circles can also be crocheted as flowers. This can be used to create a very simple or a romantic shawl.

Crochet: Bedspread
These was the summer 2024 Mystery CAL and the secret is revealed - it is a dolphin blanket - it is crocheted in 2-color mosaic technique in the round. You can do it in rectangle and square version and different sizes - as a baby blanket / table runner or for a bedspread. There is a choice of 3 borders.

Crochet: Coaster
This square is crocheted in 2-color mosaic technique in the round. You can do cushions, or put

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
A very pretty, airy, half-circle shawl/wrap with attractive patterns reminiscent of angel feathers.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful cloth with braided elements is the eye-catcher when going out or even at the ball, when using a noble yarn.

Crochet: Backpack
This duffel bag / back pack is a lovely gift for all occasions, like birthday, Mother’s Day, valentine’s day, wedding and so on. It can also be used as cover for your hearts-only blanket. You find the pattern for the hearts only blanket in the round in the same pattern and a “heart blanket“ in the row as well with different hearts. To use it as...

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful shawl with great motifs and patterns, is the eye-catcher when going out or on the beach. It is easy and quick

Crochet: Table Runner
This pattern is explained as a scarf, but can also be used for a table runner, a pillow cover, a place mat or even a blanket.

Crochet: Bedspread
This beautiful blanket with entwined heartknots and a solid shamrock in the middle is crocheted in 2-coloured mosaic overlay technique in the round in classic KarolinTheres-Style.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful pattern has the number 97749 and is during the numbers game CAL in the Facebook group “Gemeinsam Handarbeiten macht Spaß” entstanden. Therefore, the different patterns are marked with game numbers.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful, half-circle shawl has the same pattern as “beech leaves” but in a half-circle shape. It is easily made.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful pattern has the number 63520 and is during the numbers game CAL in the Facebook group “Gemeinsam Handarbeiten macht Spaß” entstanden. Therefore, the different patterns are marked with game numbers.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful shawl has the number 50464 and was created during the number game CAL in the Facebook Group “Gemeinsam Handarbeiten macht Spaß”. The individual patterns are therefore marked with game numbers.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful, light halfcircle shawl with lobsters and filigree patterns is an eye-catcher in the evening or on the beach. It is easy to crochet for some experienced people. Newcomers will find enough information to complete the shawl.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful light triangle shawl with lobsters and filigree patterns is an eye-catcher in the evening or on the beach. It is easy to crochet for some experienced people. Newcomers will find enough information to complete the shawl as well.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
The pineapple pattern is a common pattern, which will be worked with increasing numbers of dcs. The speciaity of this shawl is the Bias tape edge, for which KarolinTheres-shawls are known. This shawl has a comfortable, solid and straight edge. Therefore, the cloth can be used not only as a cloth, but also as a curtain.

Crochet: Afghan block
This square can be used as a centerpiece of any blanket and also as a pillow cover or a patch work blanket. It is worked in the mosaic technique in the round (overlay).

Crochet: Afghan block
This beautiful, rectangular Mini-Blanket can be used alone as a Baby Blanket or as the centerpiece of any blanket. It is worked in the mosaic technique in the round (overlay).

Crochet: Afghan block
This square can be used as a centerpiece of any blanket and also as a pillow cover or a patch work blanket. It is worked in the mosaic technique in the round (overlay).

Crochet: Bedspread
This beautiful, rectangular blanket is the perfect bedspread and can also be used for cozy evenings or picnics in the park with the family.

Crochet: Bedspread
The Hope - 4 seasons blanket is a very beautiful and special blanket. It has many energetic symbols and develop an energetic effect while you crochet.

Crochet: Bedspread
This beautiful blanket is the perfect bedspread and can also be used for cozy evenings or picnics in the park.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful shawl is easily and fast made. it is perfect for every occasion.

Crochet: Bedspread
The Hope autumn blanket is a very beautiful and special blanket. It has many energetic symbols and develop an energetic effect while you crochet.

Crochet: Bedspread
The Hope summer blanket is a very beautiful and special blanket. It has many energetic symbols and develop an energetic effect while you crochet.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
This beautiful shawl is perfect for every occasion and made for crochet friends with heart. It’s is easily and fast made.

Crochet: Bedspread
The Hope - spring blanket is a very beautiful and special blanket. It has many energetic symbols and develop an energetic effect while you crochet.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
Ein wunderschönes Tuch für die kalte Jahreszeit. Es ist ein wärmendes Tuch mit spezieller Zopf-Technik und ist sehr schnell fertig. Das schwierigste sind Reliefstäbchen in der Zierbordüre, welche man auch weglassen kann. Es sind aber alle Maschen ausreichend erklärt. Es wird dicke Wolle empfohlen (DK, Aran und Chunky) Dieses Muster wurde erfund...

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
Dieses wunderschöne Tuch ist für alle Anlässe geeignet und ist für geübte Häkelfreunde gedacht. Je nachdem welches Garn verwendet wird, kann es ein feines Spitzentuch oder ein wärmender Herbstumhang werden. Ich wünsche euch viel Freude damit.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
Die Liebe zum Frühling hat mich zu diesem Tuch inspiriert. Es ist ein luftig leichtes Tuch mit fliegenden Herzen und Hochzeitsglocken. Perfekt für laue Frühlings oder Sommerabende und auch für besondere Anlässe geeignet. Es lässt sich leicht häkeln, wenn man geübt ist, aber auch Häkel-Neulinge finden hinreichend Infos um die nötigen Maschen zu ...

Crochet: Poncho
Der Schutzengel ist ein Tuch, in das Magie eingearbeitet wird, die dir hilft glücklich zu sein.

Crochet: Scarf
Asymmetrisches Tuch mit Drachenrücken (5-6 Zacken) mit 6 verschiedenen Mustern. Schnell und einfach zum Arbeiten für sommerliche Abende. Mit Wolle/Lacegarn auch im Winter als Schal geeignet. Mit Text- und Häkelschrift.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
Das wunderbare luftige Tuch ist der Hingucker beim Fortgehen oder am Strand. Es lässt sich leicht häkeln, für einigermaßen geübte, aber auch Häkel-Neulinge finden hinreichend Infos um die nötigen Maschen zu erlernen.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
triangle shawl with Hummingbird pattern (beak to tail) A shawl for every occasion. Easy and fast to crochet.

Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
Dieses 4eck-Tuch kann als Kleid, Umhang, Wickelrock getragen werden und ist für geübte HäklerInnen, die bei Bedarf das Muster auf ihre Bedürfnisse (Kleid, Rock, Jacke, Poncho) anpassen können. Jeder kann Muster verwenden, die er möchte, das hier ist die Variante, die ich gehäkelt habe. Diese Muster sind sowohl als Text, als auch als Grafik vorh...