Petite maille
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads
Crochet: Toy Food
This pattern will teach you how to crochet two classics of thre french pastry: Eclair and Religieuse.
Crochet: Animal Toy
This pattern will teach you how to crochet a cute Tux Penguin, the Linux mascot.
Crochet: Toy Food
Ce patron vous permettra de réaliser une poire au crochet, parfait comme jouet pour enfant (pour jouer à la marchande par exemple !), ou comme accessoire de décoration.
Crochet: Toy Food
This pattern will teach you how to crochet a cute lemon, perfect as a toy for children, or a nice decoration accessory.
Crochet: Toy Food
This pattern will teach you how to crochet a cute strawberry, perfect as a toy for children, or a nice decoration accessorie.
Crochet: Toy Food
This pattern will teach you how to crochet a cute mushroom, perfect as a toy for children, or a nice decoration accessorie.