Paulette Lane

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Chart and written text in pattern.
Knitting: Hanging Ornament
Knitting: Cardigan
All-purpose long-sleeve raglan cardigan with two finishing options, Eyelet Rib with bamboo toggle buttons or Cord Stitch crochet edging with knitted soft ball buttons. Either style is perfect for the office or the cottage.
Knitting: Ornamental Flower
Self-patterning or handpainted yarn.
Knitting: Hanging Ornament
Materials required:
Knitting: Hanging Ornament
Knitting: Hanging Ornament
Knitting: Cardigan
Quick and easy to knit, the only seam is at the shoulders. Fun to knit and fun to wear.
Knitting: Hanging Ornament
Knitting: Hanging Ornament