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over 15 years ago

So pretty I got two! I’m sure it will be a while before I can bring myself to actually stick one on something. :)

over 15 years ago

I love the simplicity and elegance of this design…and I have the project bag. I would love more items utilizing this artwork…this would be great on a tshirt, centered on the front, so you could still read “Ravelry” when wearing a cardigan sweater. I like to walk through Stitches with my Ravelry tshirt!!!

More plus size woman tshirts would be great too! American Apparel runs too small, even in XXX large sizes for most woman.

Thanks, and keep up the excellent work!

over 15 years ago

@Coleyknits So glad you like the swirl sticker! :)

Just a note- we do try hard to carry all our shirt designs in Hanes womens shirts- they go up to a womens 3XL (in addition to carrying American Apparel styles). Here’s an example of that in our agree1 shirt.

Thanks so much!!

over 15 years ago

strong text cute sticker dont know where to stick it!!!!!!!!!!!

over 15 years ago

I agree with ColeyKnits: This would be lovely centered on a feminine (scoop?) tee.

over 14 years ago

I also love this sticker…I’d love a removable cling version to put into my car window and to give as gifts. I would also like T-shirts with this logo, and have to protest, yet again, that your T-shirts run toooooooooooooo small! And narrow.

over 14 years ago

I love this! I need to place an order for one (or 2) soon!! Any plans to put it on the tees? I’d definitely get one, especially in the Hanes!

over 14 years ago

As a workaround for the t-shirt-sizing issue, how about issuing this in an iron-on-patch version.

Personally, I have fit issues with most of standard t-shirt brands, whether they run large enough or not, and when I occasionally find a weird off-brand that suits me, I stock up.

I’d love to make a few of those into Ravelry shirts - but I’ll never buy a shirt from the usual suppliers-of-customized-gear. KWIM?

over 14 years ago

i would totally buy iron on’s of this. so many things you could use it on!

over 14 years ago

I think either a cling or a oval car magnet would be a great addition for this item!! Super cute!

over 13 years ago

I wish I could put up an actual review I have been waiting for months to purchase a Ravelry sticker I put them on my laptop and my Nook my stickers are to show my support and I have room for just one more on my laptop and I have been saving it for my Ravelry sticker but I have been waiting for almost a year for them to be restocked I haven’t given up hope but I am getting tired of waiting. Love Ravelry and how they have grown and helped the progress of knitting and crocheting is fabulous especially for those of use without a LYS close by.

over 13 years ago

I wish it were clear - then I’d put it on my car window to share the Love w/out impairing my NADA value or vision!

over 13 years ago

this is lovely! i wish it was available as a car magnet.

over 13 years ago

Car magnet would be great! I’d love a yarn-ball-and-needles car magnet, but have an awful time finding one.