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This page is for reviews - if you have a question, check out the Mini-mart discussion board.
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Please print more!
Hope more arrive soon! They are fantastic.
Please print more!!!!!!!!!! I tried to order it yesterday was rejected!
Love it! Only took two days to get here (although I do live in MA).

Oh! Pretty please print more. I just found Ravelry, saw the tote and am in love!
I agree!! More More More!!! we’re all standing by, clutching our paypal passwords!
For sure! This bag would be perfect for my WIPs while I am on the road!
Please print more!!!
I love this bag! I grabbed one as SOON as I saw it was available, I am now the proud owner of the Animal Parade Bag in Cigar. I’m going to use it for my Rhinebeck purchases! I really like the slightly distressed look, and it looks like it’s pretty sturdy. Thank you, Rav Rulers, for making a fabulous bag!
print more please!
This bag os simply perfect. Extremly fast delivery (five days from USA to Germany). Thanks a lot!
Cigar bag came today--it is just as I expected, and I completely love it.
No zipper on top or on inside pocket--not a problem, just an observation.
Handles are just long enough for bag to fit snugly over shoulder.
Oh no! Please make more of these!!
Just arrived, super fast shipping! Absolutely love this and the distressed finish really makes the bag.
What everyone else said … PLEASE PRINT MORE!!
I … must … have one … to add to my collection!!
Love this- PLEASE make more :)
Please! Pretty Please with sugar on top….I want one too!
Yes! Me, too want one!
These are so cute! Please make more soon!
agree (1)
Jess, you are very pretty. That is all!!
yes i love it..please print more!
I LOVE this bag, so darling! Please please print some more, it would be great if there were some available before Christmas for gifting :)
I really like this print - particularly since it features a yak! If you can’t print more on bags for some reason please use it again on t-shirts or something. As soon as it turns up again I’ll be ordering it.
I have to say I have been using my bag for a while now and I LOVE it so much! I am so happy I was able to scoop one up. I tote everything in it, baby stuff, knitting, essentials and I get a lot of compliments too. Awesome! Thanks :)
Thank you so much for printing more!! I ordered mine today, and can’t wait for it to get here! Its like an early Christmas present to me :)
Got mine! Geez, I can’t believe how fast they go. I have an image of someone warehousing Rav bags, hoarding them.
Just got it today! It’s huge. I put the entire Knit Picks Tidings of Joy kit (8 balls of yarn + directions) in it, along with 3 DVDs, a paperback and my knitting tool kit. It’s also very heavy canvas which makes it feel very sturdy. I love it!!
Wow, I just ordered when it was restocked last week and got it today. Its adorable and roomy. Thanks.
I started a new project so it seemed apt to use the new bag. Actually, I’m using the bag as my work tote, inside which I am also carrying my project. Which I can do because the bag is nice and roomy. The material is not stiff at all, nor is it heavy; it’s pretty squishable for being so sturdy. And the handles are very secure without being stiff. Just long enough to go over my shoulder, but not too long. I can easily hold the handles in my hand without it dragging the ground, and I’m SHORT! The small inside pocket is not very big, but it is tight enough to hold small items (a container of stitch markers, scissors, that kind of thing) with some security.
I love the design and am wondering if it might be possible to print some totes without the rough seams?
Please print more, a friend of mine has one and its incredibly cute and I want one, Please let me know when they are back in stock.
Going to add to the chorus of “please print more” here.
Please print more! I’ll use it all the time, I promise.
Wah! I want one, too! Please print more!
okay…I’ll join in the chorus!! Please, oh, please, please, please print more!!
oooohhh.. Got mine in “Cigar” today. Looks really sturdy. Shipped Mon. , recieved Wed… just in time to show off to the SnB’rs tomorrow, and it WILL be traveling with me to MD’s Sheep and Wool Fest. Thanks Ravelry!
I get more compliments on this bag than any others I have…especially from my kids and their friends!!!!!
Would love to see a bag with a zipper closure. pleasssse
Just got mine a couple weeks ago. I’ve quit carrying my purse, and just tote this with me! It’s great, and it carries EVERYTHING!
I’d love this design on a girly t-shirt!
Just received the two bags I ordered for myself and my partner in crime. Holy cow, she’s going to love this. The bag’s very well constructed, and holds way more than it looks like it ought be to able.
I put my current three ongoing projects, some extra yarn, patterns, needles, and still have plenty of room for a water bottle and a paperback or three.
Knitters love bags - and I’m no exception. I have a few…but feel that this one would be one of my favorites. ;-)
Yes, yes, yes, please print more! I saw the bag a few weeks ago and held back, and now I’m kicking myself because they’re sold out. So pretty. I want one badly.
Please make more! My BKF (best knitting friend) turns 50 in January and I want to give her one!
Please re-stock quickly! I Really want one to bring my knitting projects along everywhere :) My baby’s diaper bag is overflowing as it is :P
hope you print more soon…
I covet this! Pretty please make them available soon! :o)
Why is it taking so long to re-stock? :) If you can’t get these anymore, please remove them from your page. They are just a temptation that we can’t have :( LOL
Any updates on when this will be available?
I so want, please more more more!
Yes, PLEEEEZZZ print more!
I want one! Please print more, Ravelry :)
please restock! would have loved to get my mom one of these for mother’s day so she could easily tote her projects to knitting group.
definitely interested. please, print more! ♥
Would absolutely love one of these! Will there be more coming?
When might we expect more to be available?
I’d love one, will there be some more soon??
I so wish there was some way to get more of these. This is the best tote I’ve ever used…nice looking, sturdy, roomy, lightweight, well made, washes like a dream. Truly the perfect bag.
I love mine! I still use it as my primary knitting bag and still get compliments. Overall, the bag is strong. However, the pocket on the inside has started to com undone and I had to saftey-pin it back together. I would suggest a better system for the pocket or just leave one out all together. But still, it’s my favorite Ravelry item!
Please get more of these done when you sort out the minimart… been wanting one for aaaaaaages!
… and another voice in the chorus of “PLEASE PRINT MORE!!!”
Pretty please?
Please print more! I have been waiting to be notified for a while now!
Hopefully more of these are coming soon! Any ideas on when more maybe coming!?
I absolutely hate that most of the items you show are always out of stock! I rarely look anymore as I can’t stand to be dissappointed! The status should be seen on front page so we don’t waste our time when we do take a chance.