Sanni Koivumäki

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Knee-highs
Wavedancer is a toe-up knee high sock with a simple lace in the front and a high-relief cable in the back. The
Knitting: Ankle Sock
Luja on Neulojan Sohvilla Luja DK -langalle suunniteltu lyhytvartinen sukkamalli, jossa on taitettu varsi ja ristiinvahvistettu kantapää. Yksinkertainen malli sopii hyvin värikkäillekin langoille. Luja DK neulotaan pienemmillä puikoilla kuin DK-lanka yleensä. Jos neulot sukat jostakin toisesta langasta, kokeile sport-vahvuista lankaa.
Knitting: Sleeveless Top
Fax is a simple, top-down, seamless halterneck top, tied at the back of the neck. Straps and the top of the front piece are knitted flat until you cast on stitches for the back piece and join working in the round.
Knitting: Onesies
The extremely popular Mtoto baby overalls - now in adult sizes! These woolen overalls are guaranteed to keep you warm, even here in Finland.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
“Everything’s magical when it snows, everything looks pretty. The clothes are great. Coats, scarves, gloves, hats.” –Lorelai Gilmore / Gilmore Girls
Knitting: Onesies