Simone Neumann-Salva

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Coat / Jacket
Storm is rising, leaves float through the air, rare sunbeams are warming the earth - autumn is arriving and with it, the perfect wooly crochet cardigan for you.
Crochet: Sleeveless Top
Today it is warm, super-duper warm, although just one week ago it felt like winter. My wardrobe is confused and so am I. Corresponding to the high temperature I crocheted an airy shirt, so airy, that my husband wants me to wear it every day, always, regardless of the weather. My best friend on the other hand, thinks it would be better to wear s...
Crochet: Pullover
Square + Easy = Squeasy (someone laughing already?)
Crochet: Pullover
I’ve never seen the film “Fast and Furious”, but the title describes my current mood so perfectly that I had to adapt it. I have been sitting for weeks on a soooo cute jacket made of delicate glittering yarn, which simply will not get finished. Since I am not always very patient, I just started something new and tada: A super quick sweater! It ...
Crochet: Coat / Jacket
A jacket made of rough wool in autumnal dark red and shades of brown mixed with the bright blue of a sunny English sky in October and the dark petrol of a stream from which a deer drinks. In the background sounds Clannad’s Robin Hood Main Theme and I drift off ….