Sophie Victoria
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Mittens
Come to beautiful Sakha, Siberia! Saddle up your sturdy Yakutian horse and ride along the snowy valleys and frozen rivers, but keep your hands warm in the freezing Siberian winter cold!

Knitting: Mittens
Come, follow me on a journey! Step into the reindeer-pulled sled and sit down. Hear the sound of the reindeer feet on the snow, as tent villages pass by in the snowy landscape.

Knitting: Mittens
Denne votten viser den vakre sørsamiske ornamentikken. Hovedmotivet er Raedien aehtjie, den høyeste guden, som ble tegnet på folldalstromma for flere hundre år siden. Tommelen prydes av sønnen Raedien baernie og kona Raedien aahka. På innsiden finner man også Saaraahka, Joksaahka og Oksaahka, som var viktige hverdagsguder.

Knitting: Mittens
This pattern features motives from traditional southern South Saami embroidery. The traditional embroidery is the focal point of the folk dress, and done with beads or pewter wire on squares of coloured wool cloth.

Knitting: Mittens
These Saami mittens were found in Professor Konrad Nielsen’s (1875-1953) house after his death. The multilingual professor is known for his published dictionaries, grammars and textbooks of the “lapp” (North Saami) language.

Knitting: Mittens
Denne samiske votten kommer fra Enare i Finland. Votten ble kjøpt inn av Norsk Folkemuseum i 1911.

Knitting: Mittens
This pattern is made after a mitten that was found in the University’s Ethnographic Museum in 1913. They are from Finnmark, but it is unknown when or where they were made.

Knitting: Mittens
This mitten is made up of traditional woven belt patterns of the North Saami people of Varanger, Norway.

Knitting: Mittens
These mittens feature ornaments from South Saami belts, which traditionally are embroidered with beads or spun pewter wire.

Knitting: Mittens
Olav Haralssons død ved Stiklestad markerer begynnelsen på middelalderen. Olav er en av bare sju helgener i den norske kirke.