Tomomi Yoshimoto

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cardigan
Crochet: Pullover
Link Tee is the summer version of Link sweater.
Knitting: Pullover
This pattern contains two files: Sweater’s general instructions itself and Crochet Techniques. Please download both files.
Knitting: Pullover
This pattern has separate text data and chart data, which should be downloaded separately.
Knitting: Pullover
A French version of this pattern has
Knitting: Pullover
This pattern has separate text data and chart data, which should be downloaded separately.
Knitting: Scarf
Knitting: Pullover
このセーターは、ヨークと裾とカフの部分にブロッコリー模様を配したトップダウンで編む丸ヨークのセーターです。ヨークのブロッコリー柄を編んだ後袖分けをし、袖と身頃をそれぞれ輪針で編みます。裾はFolded Picot Hemですが、なるべく厚みを感じさせず、まっすぐに見えるように仕上げるために、身頃にAラインの増やし目をしたり、針のサイズをこまめに変えているので注意が必要です。アレンジとして、ヨークだけブロッコリーがあるバージョン(サンプル2)と裾とカフだけブロッコリーがあるバージョン(サンプル3)も作ってみました。シンプル好きの方にはそちらもおすすめです。楽しんで編んでもらえますように♪
Knitting: Pullover
This sweater is inspired by the image of a howling wolf deep in the forest and is worked seamlessly top-down with a circular yoke. After knitting the wolf pattern, the sleeves are separated, and the body and sleeves are knitted in a round, then the hem is finished with ribbing.
Knitting: Scarf
Knitting: Pullover
Knitting: Pullover
Knitting: Pullover
Knitting: Pullover
This sweater is inspired by the large wings and unique atmosphere of Shoebill. Shoebill is famous for being almost motionless, but it has impressively large wings, which can cover an adult human.
Knitting: Pullover
Knitting: Hats - Other
Knitting: Vest
This vest is knitted from bottom up from the hem.
Knitting: Pullover
This sweater is knitted from neck in top down method.
Knitting: Pullover