Reverb from Big Twist (Jo-Ann)


from Big Twist (Jo-Ann)
Aran (8 wpi) ?
311 yards
(284 meters)
150 grams
(5.29 ounces)
18.0 sts
= 4 inches
US 7 - 8 or 4.5 - 5mm
3.5 mm (E)
100% Manufactured Fibers - Acrylic

BT Reverb is a surprising fantasy yarn with a refined and exotic look, that knits out into a animal stripe pattern over a colourful background. This pattern works in any size or shape of knitted project, which is why this yarn is super flexible, and also great for beginners!
Content: 100% Premium Acrylic
Yarn Thickness / Gauge: 4
Needle Size: US 7-8 /4.5-5mm 18 sts 4”x4” 26 R
Crochet Size: US 3-4 /3.5mm 18SC 4”x4” 16R

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