Metalico from Blue Sky Fibers


from Blue Sky Fibers
Sport (12 wpi) ?
147 yards
(134 meters)
50 grams
(1.76 ounces)
5.0 to 6.0 sts
= 1 inch
US 3 - 5 or 3.25 - 3.75mm
4mm (G) - 5mm (H)
50% Camelid - Alpaca
50% Silk

Presented in shiny braids with all naturally occurring colors. Like taking your hands on a beautifully scenic nature hike.

Hand wash or dry clean. Wash in tepid water using a mild soap. Do not agitate or twist. Shape and dry flat on a towel. Store your little treasure neatly folded; after all, it may be a family heirloom.

popular colorways

1610 Opal

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1611 Silver

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1612 Platinum

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1613 Gold Dust

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1614 Flint

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1615 Cinnabar

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1616 Sandstone

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1617 Sterling

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1630 Carnelian Red

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1631 Jade

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1632 Gold Topaz

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1633 Lapis

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1634 Rose Quartz

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1635 Turquoise

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