Big Ball 30 3 Cord Crochet from Coats

Big Ball 30 3 Cord Crochet

from Coats
Thread, size 30 ?
500 yards
(457 meters)
100% Cotton

This same product was also sold under the vintage Clark’s brand, produced before the merger with J & P Coats. See Clark’s Big Ball 3 Cord Crochet, Size 30.

Some older balls have 300 or 400 yards. There are also some small balls of 65, 80, or 100 yards.

Hook size 12 / 0.75 mm

popular colorways

1 White

50 stashed

7 projects

42 Cream

17 stashed

7 projects

61 Ecru

43 stashed

11 projects


4 stashed

2 projects


25 stashed

34 projects


7 stashed

2 projects