Carefree Bri-Nylon Baby Quick Knit
Carefree Bri-Nylon Baby Quick Knit

Estimate DK weight. Launched in 1965.
Gauge is for largest needle size (4 mm).
Special Note
Coats synthetic knitting yarns In introducing knitters to this new range of yarns, the designers recommend and accurate tension check.
Machine wash:
Wash frequently and avoid over-soiling,
Use hand-hot suds (48°C or 118°F); slightly hotter suds for white nylon.
Hand wash instructions:
Squeeze gently in hand-hot suds. After washing, rinse thoroughly - at least twice - in warm water. REMOVE EXCESS MOISTURE BEFORE PUTTING TO DRY, either by rolling in a thick towel , or by wrapping in a towel and placing in a spin-dryer for a few SECONDS only.
Do not drip dry.
Ironing should be uncessary.
- Page created: November 8, 2018
- Last updated: November 9, 2018 …