Extra Fine Merino 2/28NM Lace Weight from ColourMart

Extra Fine Merino 2/28NM Lace Weight

from ColourMart
Lace ?
2242 yards
(2050 meters)
150 grams
(5.29 ounces)
100% Wool - Merino
Care: Dry Flat, Hand Wash
Color: Solid color
Ply: 2-ply
Milled: Scotland
Milled: Italy

Zegna Baruffa and other Italian mills specialise in combing out the finest micron merino fibres and then using special spinning techniques to make merino yarns that feel almost like cashmere, hence their cashwool branding

Alternative: similar weight/yarns
New 300 gram yarn sets

General knitting properties:

Colourmart enthusiast groups:

Colourmart Lovers

The Mothership

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