Core Spun Rug from Echoview Fiber Mill

Core Spun Rug

from Echoview Fiber Mill
Jumbo (0-4 wpi) ?
70 yards
(64 meters)
850 grams
(29.98 ounces)
US 17 - 50 or 12 - 25mm
15.75mm (Q) - 40mm
80% Wool
15% Cotton
5% Manufactured Fibers - Polyester

Called “Rug Yarn” for its grand size, this yarn is spun from super soft wool wrapped around a thin cotton and polyester cord that gives it strength. This Jumbo sized yarn knits up large dramatic knits for the home, or large accessories for a statement look; knit a pouffe, weave a rug, or even crochet a pet bed! Our core-spun rug yarn is the perfect gift for a knitter, but it also makes a perfect gifts from a knitter because the size makes knitting projects fly by.