Pakucho Organic Cotton Sport Weight from Ecobutterfly Organics

Pakucho Organic Cotton Sport Weight

from Ecobutterfly Organics
Sport (12 wpi) ?
150 yards
(137 meters)
50 grams
(1.76 ounces)
24.0 sts
= 4 inches
US 5 - 3.75 mm
100% Cotton - Naturally Colored Cotton
This yarn is Certified Organic
Care: Dry Flat, Machine Wash
Dye: Undyed
Sustainability: Certified Organic
Source of fiber: Peru

Pakucho is soft and cottony, comes in three weights (worsted, sport, and lace) and 12 colors. Colors are natural as grown. Organic Cotton is un-mercerized and sport weight. This is the entry for colors without copper.

Colors available: Natural, Vanilla Cream, Vicuna, Cafe, Deep Golden Brown, Chocolate, Moka, Chocolate, Rich Cinnamon Chocolate, Sage, Rustic Avocado, Forest Mist & Deep Green

popular colorways

50 Green

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