yarns > Fated Yarns > Main

Main is a 100% British Texel wool yarn. It is a 3-ply yarn on the lighter side of chunky, and is made from the fleece of the Texel breed of sheep. This is a medium grade wool suitable for everyday wear, but not quite soft enough to be next to the skin. It is a breed of wool that wears well and softens over time, ideal for outerwear such as a warm sweater/cardigan or walking socks, as well as household items such as cushions.
Texel were originally from the island of Texel in The Netherlands. First introduced to the UK in 1970, today they now are a favourite, being the second most common breed in the UK according to the 2012 EBLEX British Sheep Breed survey.
A few years ago when I went to my first sheep shearing it was for a flock of around 400 Texel sheep. It was also the first (and honestly still only) sheep that I sheared myself. So it seemed fitting to give this yarn my own married surname of Main.
- Page created: February 5, 2019
- Last updated: February 5, 2019 …