Fiber: 100% Bamboo from FiberLady

Fiber: 100% Bamboo

from FiberLady
113 grams
(3.99 ounces)
100% Manufactured Fibers - Rayon from Bamboo
Dye: Hand dyed
Dyed: United States
Source of fiber: China

Bamboo top likes to be spun fine with a good amount of twist. If you are used to spinning wool yarns, add about twice the twist you think you would need and you should be good with the bamboo.

Due to the higher twist, bamboo works best when it is plied. It is easier to ply the bamboo singles if you let the singles rest for at least 24 - 48 hours before plying.

Soak the yarn in hot water to set the twist and remove any loose dye particles that have been exposed by the movement of the fibers during spinning. Let the water cools down, drain and squeeze out the water. If you have a large amount of yarn, you can place it in a lingerie bag in the washer and spin it out. Don’t let the washer agitate unless your skeins are tied very securely.