Summer Fiesta Light Fingering | 3-4 ply from GOR Woollen Mill

Summer Fiesta Light Fingering | 3-4 ply

from GOR Woollen Mill
Light Fingering ?
503 yards
(460 meters)
100 grams
(3.53 ounces)
32.0 sts
= 4 inches
US 1½ - 3 or 2.5 - 3.25mm
70% Wool - Merino
30% Cellulose - Linen / Flax
plied, linen
Care: Dry Flat, Hand Wash
Color: Heathered
Drafting method: Semi-worsted spun
Dye: Machine dyed, Undyed
Ply: 2-ply
Put up: Winding required
Source of fiber: Australia, Merino, Victoria
Source of fiber: Belgium, Flax/ Linen
Scoured: Australia, Merino: EP Robisnon, Geelong, Vic
Milled: Australia, Great Ocean Road Woollen Mill
Dyed: Australia, Geelong Dyehouse, Geelong, Vic,

The perfect summer yarn.

It contains 70% superfine merino and 30% linen and is a 2-strand construction. Also sold undyed.

At ~460m this yarn is close to an Australian 3ply or light Firngering weight.

The yarn is slightly heathered. When the yarn was dyed the flax didn’t take on the dye as well as the merino which therefor give the yarn a slightly heathered look - apart from the natural, which is undyed.

Please note, there can be some vegetable matter in the yarn which is due to the following:
our merino has not been carbonised (process which breaks down vegetable matter using acid)
We have a semi-worsted spinning system - no comb

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