Confetti from La Bien Aimée


from La Bien Aimée
DK (11 wpi) ?
252 yards
(230 meters)
100 grams
(3.53 ounces)
US - or 4.25 - 4.75mm
50% Wool - Merino
30% Wool - Shetland
20% Other

The next evolution in our recycling efforts, La Bien Aimée Confetti takes bright scraps of LBA yarn and mixes them into a super soft base of Merino and Shetland wool. The result is a tweedy dream, with rich base colors designed around our favorite LBA colorways, and lively pops of recycled threads. These recycled threads are all snipped ends from our mill and atelier that would otherwise be discarded.

What makes Confetti different from Corrie Confetti? The fiber content of Confetti is completely different. However, just like Corrie Confetti, Confetti is made in small, limited batches. Even if we spin a similar base color later, the mix of recycled threads will be different.

50% 18.5mic fine merino, 30% Shetland, 20% LBA thread. 230m (250 yds) for 100g.

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