Pure Merino Shfades (5 x 50g) from Orchidean Luxury Yarns

Pure Merino Shfades (5 x 50g)

from Orchidean Luxury Yarns
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
219 yards
(200 meters)
50 grams
(1.76 ounces)
US 2 - 6 or 2.75 - 4mm
100% Wool - Merino

Set of 5 x 50g of semi-solid Pure Merino 4ply yarn, dyed in mathematical gradient sets. I first created these gradient sets in my pure cashmere, which were hugely popular but for some, prohibitively expensive. I was asked by a friend to create some for her and since then they have become very popular. I mix the dyes for each batch and never repeat an exact dyelot.

Also available in Mini Shfades - sets of 5 x 20g in a variety of yarns and weights.