Silky High Twist Sock from Pigeonroof Studios

Silky High Twist Sock

from Pigeonroof Studios
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
400 yards
(366 meters)
104 grams
(3.67 ounces)
28.0 sts
= 4 inches
US 0 - 2 or 2 - 2.75mm
80% Wool - Merino
20% Silk
plied, high twist
Care: Superwash
Color: Semi-solid
Dye: Hand dyed
Ply: 2-ply
Put up: Winding required

From website: Silky High Twist sock is 400 yards of an amazingly soft and ever-so-slightly-slinky two ply fingering weight yarn made up of 80 percent superwash merino and 20 percent silk. Although “sock” is in the name, this yarn would be fantastic knit up into shawls, scarves, and garments.

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