Polwarth Top

from Wonderland Yarns & Frabjous Fibers
113 grams
(3.99 ounces)
100% Wool - Polwarth
spinning fiber
Color: Semi-solid, Tonal, Variegated
Dye: Hand dyed
Dyed: United States

We take extra care to create fibers that are a dream to spin. We start with high-quality wool top-this one is Polwarth: everyone’s favorite new fiber. It is soft, lofty, and has a spring you’ll love.

Note for spinners: Polwarth is fabulous to spin and sure to be one of your favorites. This breed originated from Merino and Lincoln sheep. Like merino, it is soft and springy, yet spins easily like a long-staple fiber.

Note for felters: Polwarth is ideal for felting. The loftiness of the fiber allows it to easily pull off in fine wisps to create delicate felted items. It resists pilling and holds its shape well making it a good choice for vessels and wearables.