Bulky CVM

Cafe Au Lait
Fiber used
Monterey Fair Fleeces (Yolo processed)
Finished yarn
1000 yards
Remaining: 0 yards
2 projects
Handspun Cowichan
after washing, fullling Macomber Loom Bench Cushion

Spinning this bulky on the Salish spinner, aka Indian head spinner, aka Ricci wheel. This is the first yarn I have spun on this wheel. There is definitely a learning curve but I am loving it!

Picked this up again for TdF 2016 and spun up a bump of the CVM (there is so much of this fleece left!). I am thinking I may ply this and use it for a Cowichan sweater. I know they were traditionally done with a single ply, but I’m not sure my yarn is quite bulky enough for the look I want.

I haven’t filled a bobbin of this yet. I can only fit so much on my ball winder and I only have one bobbin. I may try to fill an entire bobbin just to see how much it holds, though.


Entered these skeins along with a similar skein of gray from Charlotte’s fleece and won 3rd place in the “Basket of yarn for a project” category. :-)

viewed 33 times
In stash
  • Created: November 7, 2015
  • Updated: November 18, 2018