March 30, 2014
May 13, 2014


Project info
Mariusgenser by Unn Søiland Dale
My daughter
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
1,077 yards = 9.98 skeins
Sandnes Garn Smart
none left in stash
8.12 skeins = 877.0 yards (801.9 meters), 406 grams
Scandinavian Knitting Design
January 17, 2014
Sandnes Garn Smart
35 yards in stash
1.28 skeins = 138.2 yards (126.4 meters), 64 grams
Scandinavian Knitting Design
January 17, 2014
Sandnes Garn Smart
none left in stash
0.58 skeins = 62.6 yards (57.3 meters), 29 grams
Scandinavian Knitting Design
January 17, 2014

Blogged here.
My daughter has been asking for Mariusgenser for years. She might get it for birthday this year ;)

I will use the chart but not knitting instructions. I’ll knit it top down in one piece. Let’s see how it works out.

Needles: 3.5 mm for stranded knitting, 3.25 mm for plain,
3 mm for ribbing.

10/4 Patterned bodice is done. Does it look all right?

13/5 Yay, I finished it just in time!
Original Mariusgenser is a boxy sweater but my daughter wanted it to be more body hugging. I prefer top-down knitting. So I knitted Mariusgenser top-down with set-it sleeves using just original charts. What caught my eye in top-down colour work were single stitches. Normally a stitch looks like a V, but in top-down colour work stitches are up-side-down V’s. Is it an issue just for a knitter or does it matter really?

viewed 168 times | helped 1 person
March 30, 2014
May 13, 2014
About this pattern
530 projects, in 97 queues
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About this yarn
by Sandnes Garn
100% Wool
109 yards / 50 grams

13866 projects

stashed 7737 times

Alleraa's star rating
  • Project created: March 30, 2014
  • Finished: May 13, 2014
  • Updated: April 14, 2015