Rhinebeck by proxy
October 2009
December 20, 2009

Rhinebeck by proxy

Project info
Rhinebeck by Lisa Lloyd
Needles & yarn
Sheep Shed Studio in Encampment, Wyoming
orange superwash
Sheep Shed Studio in Encampment, Wyoming

This was my 12th and last sweater completed for NaKniSweMoDo09 -- I made it! Rhinebeck by Proxy, because I’ve never been to a fiber festival even though I’ve been obsessively knitting and spinning for quite some time. The closest I’ve come is the sheep barn at the Clark County fair and the Monday night knit group at Starbucks -- hi girls!

December, ‘09 -- I absolutely love this sweater. The color, the weight, the feel, the style, the simplicity of knitting it. And the yarn. I loved making and working with the yarn. Mods: my gauge was a bit bigger than 20 stitches per 4”, so I needed to pick up only 90 stitches along button bands instead of the recommended 108. Then I had to re-calculate the buttonholes, and I enlarged them to 3 stitches instead of 2. I used the one-row buttonhole technique {knit to start of buttonhole, yf, sl 1, yb, (sl1, psso) as many stitches as you want, turn, yb, cable cast on as many stitches as you bound off plus one extra, turn, yb, sl1, pass last co stitch over to count as the first stitch after the buttonhole, continue to next buttonhole}.

October, ‘09 -- I had to start this in October, I’ve been craving orange in the worst way. I dyed the fiber last month; the first try it came out a little too creamsicle… pretty, but not right for a fall sweater. Another go-round in the dyebath with Wilton’s orange, brown, and copper (with an occasional blob of royal blue thrown in) and it looks good. Every time I rinse the wool or the yarn, though, orange runs off. I had such good success with my Evil Jungle Princess version of the FLS that I’m following the same yarn recipe -- three-ply aran weight, each ply from a different dyebath, more or less. I haven’t spun enough singles to do the whole sweater yet, but I have 3 finished skeins, enough to start at least.

viewed 467 times | helped 4 people
October 2009
December 20, 2009
About this pattern
82 projects, in 81 queues
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  • Originally queued: January 22, 2009
  • Project created: October 25, 2009
  • Finished: December 22, 2009
  • Updated: August 7, 2010