Sophies Pond
May 19, 2015
July 15, 2015

Sophies Pond

Project info
Sophie's Universe CAL by Dedri Uys
Not sure yet
60.5 inches
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
6,440 yards = 20 skeins
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
2 skeins = 644.0 yards (588.9 meters), 200 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
2 skeins = 644.0 yards (588.9 meters), 200 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
2 skeins = 644.0 yards (588.9 meters), 200 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
3 skeins = 966.0 yards (883.3 meters), 300 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
2 skeins = 644.0 yards (588.9 meters), 200 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
2 skeins = 644.0 yards (588.9 meters), 200 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
2 skeins = 644.0 yards (588.9 meters), 200 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 322.0 yards (294.4 meters), 100 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
2 skeins = 644.0 yards (588.9 meters), 200 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 322.0 yards (294.4 meters), 100 grams
Texas Yarn Farm
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 322.0 yards (294.4 meters), 100 grams
Texas Yarn Farm

So, I am still not liking the acrylic too much. Wishing I had used cotton but would the cotton have had such vivid colors? Seriously, going to put a lining on Sophie’s underside. Thinking maybe a nice soft muslin. Was trying to send her off for adoption but don’t have the heart to part with her.

Ok, definitely, the saffron, I could have used only 1 if I had done sc instead of dc on row 112. I only had about 12 inches of BBB to do when I had to break into that other skein of saffron. Plus when I did the BBB, I used 2 dc instead of tr because I didn’t want it all ruffly, wanted it to lay flat. Which it does now.

On row 111, instead of doing sc I did that persian stitch again to make the borders on both side of that fence match better. It made the edge curl more until I steamed it. Phew, I was worried for a little bit.

I think that is all the changes I had made. Still have to write up the dragonflies.

Part 1:
round 1 = saffron = yellow
2 = raspberry = dk pink
3 = fondant = med pink
4 = candyfloss = lt pink
5-8 = bottle = dk green
Part 2:
round 9-10 = meadow = lt green
11-13 = petrol = dk blue
14-15 = turquoise = med blue
Part 3:
round 16-17 = turquoise = med blue
18-20 = sherbet = lt blue
21-24 = cream
25 crab stitch = sherbet = lt blue
Part 4:
round 26 = meadow = lt green
27 = saffron = yellow
28 = meadow = lt green
29 = plum = purple
30 = candyfloss = lt pink
31 = fondant = med pink
32 = cream
33 = sherbet = lt blue
34 = turquoise = med blue
35 = petrol = dk blue
36 = cream
Part 5:
round 37 = bottle = dk green
38 = meadow = lt green
39 = raspberry = dk pink
40-41 = petrol = dk blue
42-44 = turquoise = med blue
45 =sherbet = lt blue
Part 6:
round 46-47 = sherbet = lt blue
48 = meadow = lt green
49 = cream
50 = candyfloss = lt pink
51-52 = cream
53 = fondant = med pink
Part 7:
round 54 = raspberry = dk pink
55-57 = bottle = dk green
58 = meadow = lt green
59(roses) = saffron = yellow
60-61 = cream
Part 8:
round 62 = cream
63 = plum = purple
64 = candyfloss = lt pink
65 = meadow = lt green
66 = fondant = med pink
67 = turquoise = med blue
68 = sherbet = lt blue
Part 9:
round 69 = cream
70 = bottle = dk green
71 = meadow = lt green
72 = candyfloss = lt pink
73 = raspberry = dk pink
74 = candyfloss = lt pink
Part 10:
75 = petrol = dk blue
76 = turquoise = med blue
77-78 = sherbet = lt blue
79-80 = cream
Part 11:
round 81 = meadow = lt green
82 = saffron = yellow
83 = meadow = lt green
84 = plum = purple
Part 12:
85 = candyfloss = lt pink
86 = fondant = med pink
87 = cream
88 = sherbet = lt blue
Part 13:
89 = turquoise = med blue
90 = petrol = dk blue
91-92 = bottle = dk green, 91 I did NOT do bpsc, did overstitching with meadow after the dragonfly band was done. I like this look much better, more definition.
Part 14:
93-97 = bottle = dk green
Part 15:
98 = bottle = dk green
99 = meadow = lt green
100 = raspberry = dk pink
101 = fondant = med pink
overstitching instead of BPSC, single thread meadow
Part 16:
102 = fondant = med pink
103 = fondant = med pink
104 = meadow = lt green
Part 17:
105 = raspberry = dk pink
106 = raspberry = dk pink
107 = candyfloss = lt pink
108 = raspberry = dk pink
109 = raspberry = dk pink
Part 18:
110 = candyfloss = lt pink
111 = raspberry = dk pink
112 = meadow = lt green, instead of hdc, I did the persian stitch again to make the top border of the fence match the bottom border. Now, what I did not realize was that it is a bit tighter so made the edge curl. It relaxed after I steamed it but made me very nervous that I would have to frog that row later. Not sure that I would do THAT again.
113 = saffron = yellow, did dc in each stitch all around, should have done sc so as not to run out of this skein of yarn.
114 = saffron = yellow, BBB? but I did (sc, ch3, dc, dc) every third stitch around.

viewed 12711 times | helped 36 people
May 19, 2015
July 15, 2015
About this pattern
8391 projects, in 11254 queues
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About this yarn
by Stylecraft
100% Acrylic
322 yards / 100 grams

78520 projects

stashed 58553 times

Dianaj8's star rating
  • Originally queued: October 9, 2014
  • Project created: October 29, 2014
  • Finished: July 17, 2015
  • Updated: March 24, 2024
  • Progress updates: 3 updates