Fourteen Alpacas Pullover
January 16, 2013
February 13, 2013

Fourteen Alpacas Pullover

Project info
133-15 Autumn Flurries by DROPS design
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Garnstudio DROPS Lima
784 yards in stash
Garnstudio DROPS Lima
196 yards in stash
Garnstudio DROPS Lima
98 yards in stash

13.02 - and it is officially DONE! I’m really happy with it, I skipped the frill edge and did a regula k2p2 ribbing.
I love it:)

11.02 - now I truly belive in the power of blocking! It’s magic! Like… “where did my wavy stitches wanish?!”
Less than 30 rows to go!

06.02 - finished yoke! It’s a bit loose around my neck, but I like it that way. It’s really really warm, and having it tightly wrapped around my throat wouldn’t be comfortable:)

28.01 - Adding third color to the row, regardless to tradition… Oh how bad bad idea that was.

24.01 - starting the third skien of pistacchio yarn, also finished the first part of colourwor which is supposed to represent like Andes, or something:)

21.01 - the actual gauge is… 18 St x 24 rows. Sleeves are attached, now working on colourwork :-)

16.01 - reastarted the project, starting from provisional cast-on around waist and going upwards. No twist done this time:) and I LOVE this yarn!

12.01 - that is a disaster… I twisted my work so I had to frogg it all and while doing this I discovered that my yoke was 1,6 METERS wide!!!
Re-checked my gauge.. it is 20 instead of 21 st per 10-cm, but still it shouldn’t be so huge.
I’ll start again with 15 alpacas :)

11.01 I decided to go with a provisional cast on for the entire yoke. I will worry about sleeves later. Since I’m not experienced in colorwork I’ll probably have to even stitches manually or by blocking.
I actually achieved the exact gauge! (with 5mm needles tough - I always work tight especially in rounds)

10.01 I will be forced to use magic loop to check my gauge… ad also start with the yoke, beacuse I am afraid of yarn shortage.
9.01 Yayyyy! Package arrived!
2.01 first shipping arrived. Unforunately main color package got lost somewhere on the way:/

The big project! Currently I’m waiting for my yarn delivery, and thinking on new yoke desing (llamas instead of nordic-style stars).

viewed 584 times | helped 2 people
January 16, 2013
February 13, 2013
About this pattern
103 projects, in 329 queues
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About this yarn
by Garnstudio
65% Wool, 35% Alpaca
109 yards / 50 grams

42095 projects

stashed 22457 times

Escherichia's star rating
  • Project created: December 28, 2012
  • Finished: February 13, 2013
  • Updated: November 28, 2013
  • Progress updates: 6 updates