52. Kerrera
December 17, 2010
January 14, 2011

52. Kerrera

Project info
Kerrera by Gudrun Johnston
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
US 9 - 5.5 mm
Berroco Ultra Alpaca
172 yards in stash
6.2 skeins = 1333.0 yards (1218.9 meters), 620 grams

I LOVE this sweater. I dreamed for sooo long about this one. It stayed in my queue a long time, and then I bought the yarn. But again, it stayed in my wips list for a long time. I was afraid of starting it, I was afraid that I would be disappointed. I was afraid of all the techniques I didn’t know. I was afraid of the double garter st. I was afraid of the pockets, the short row sleeves.
And now, it’s done, it’s marvelous, and I love it.

I did 5 sets of dec for both sleeves. I only did 3 rows of double garter st for the buttonband.

2011-01-14 All done!

2011-01-10 Pockets done, ends woven, now picking up the band…

2011-01-06 Hood done!!!! Now onto the pockets!

2011-01-04 Both sleeves are done! Now onto the hood.

2010-12-29 Shoulders joined! It’s going to be a-we-so-me

2010-12-28 Back done!

2010-12-27 Separated for the back, the sleeves and the fronts

2010-12-26 I hope it will not be too big!!!

2010-12-22 After frogging and starting back, I’m into the stockinette body part now!

2010-12-17 Ok. I need to do this project during the Christmas and New Year break! It’s a challenge!

2010-10-28 I received the 5.5 mm needles today, and my yarn swift… well this baby might be conceived soon!

2010-10-05 I just saw a video on youtube showing how to make the double garter st. Awesome!

2010-03-28 I am about tho finish another big project, so before I start this one, I’ll knit some instant gratification goodies.

2010-03-19 I have enough yarn in my stash to make gorgeous jacket!

viewed 3840 times | helped 4 people
December 17, 2010
January 14, 2011
About this pattern
333 projects, in 1341 queues
FallingStitches' overall rating
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About this yarn
by Berroco
50% Wool, 50% Alpaca
219 yards / 100 grams

56991 projects

stashed 33152 times

FallingStitches' star rating
  • Originally queued: March 18, 2010
  • Project created: March 19, 2010
  • Updated: January 14, 2011
  • Progress updates: 17 updates